A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
MILLS, Frederick John, OS, 3231, RCN, MPK - 22 Oct 1940, HMCS MARGAREE - Born 31 Aug 1921 son of Frederick Charles and Margaret Mills; brother of Allan MacLean, ALbert Edward and Margaret Mary Mill, all of Vancouver, BC.
Ordinary Seaman Frederick John Mills, whose mother resides at 4014 Cambridge Street. He joined the navy in 1938 as a boy seaman at the age of 17. He left for Halifax on HMCS Fraser in August 1939 and work on convoy duty all that winter. He was seriously injured when the Fraser went down suffering a broken jaw and head injuries, torn arm ligaments and was in the water two and a half hours. His last letter home arrived on September 16, 1940. Ordinary Seaman Fred Mills had just recovered from his injuries and was back on duty for the first and was transferred to HMCS Margaree which went down on October 22, 1940.
Ships served in: HMCS FRASER - Drafted to Fraser 10 Jul 1939 as a Boy Seaman, RCN. Rated Ordinary Seaman, 31 Aug 1939. Survived the sinking of HMCS FRASER on 25 Jun 1940. HMCS MARGAREE - Drafted to Margaree 06 Sep 1940 as an OS, RCN
(1-2) Certificate of Service (3) Report of Death
Tribute to Fred Mills and the sailors of HMCS Margaree by Drew Clark