A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in: HMCS GANANOQUE - Served in Gananoque 22 Jan 1943 - 02 Mar 1943 as a Sto 2c, RCNVR HMCS TEME - Served in Teme 27 Apr 1944 - 23 Apr 1945 as a A/Sto 1c, RCNVR
(1) Certificate of Service (2-3) Naval Training and Active Service record (4) Conduct record (5) Joseph Henri Lionel Forget - Sep 1942 (6) Unknown aircraft Carrier (7) Sailors on parade, marching of out of HMC Dockyard (8) Bi-plane taking off from unknown carrier
(9) HNLMS O15 (later N15, P15) served out of Halifax for anti-submarine training until relived by HMS/M P553 in Aug 1942. She then returned to the European theater where she remained for the rest of the war. (10-13) Unknown ships. Possibly at Halifax (14) Lionel's Prayer Book (15) Lionel's trade badge - Stoker (16) Lionel Forget (left) and friend
(17) HMCS Cornwallis "INDUS" Class 4 - 06 Nov 1942. Joseph Forget, Back Row, 4th from right (18) Lionel with friends/shipmates (19-20) Lionel Forget (21-24) Lionel's jacket patches - one RCN, two RCNVR and one from HMCS Skeena
(25-28) Postcards to Johnny to his family
Courtesy of Johnny Forget