A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Gordon enlisted in the RCNVR on 22 Sep 1942 at HMCS Montreal and commenced active service on 11 Nov 1942. He was demobilized on 22 Oct 1945 as HMCS Donnacona. He was awarded the follow decorations: the 1939-45 Star, the Atlantic Star & Clasp, the C.V.S.M. and Clasp, the War Medal 1939-45
Ships served in: HMCS KENOGAMI - Served in Kenogami 23 Jul 1943 - 26 Jul 1944 as an OS, RCNVR HMCS HAIDA - Served in Haida 06 Dec 1944 - 26 Aug 1945 as an AB, RCNVR
(1) Gordon Gage on the bridge (ship not known) (2-3) Gordon's AA2 Trade Badges (4-5) Gordon's duffle bag (6) Suitcase of G.E. Gage with a ship and a star painted on it. The suit case, it is believed, originally belonged to Linton James Reynolds who was an artist. (7) Gordon Gage's navy memorabilia on display at the Missiquoi Museum. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Heather Darch curator at the Musée Missisquoi Museum
(8-16) Gordon's Service Records
Courtesy of Robert Lefebvre