A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in:
(DB00) Douglas Keith Beach at Whitby, Ont. train station - returning from leave. date unknown (DB01) "Summer attire" Waiting for ride to Hamilton on highway at Blackwater, Aug 1943 Latest address: O/Smn D.K. Beach V53247 C/O Sambro P.O. HMCS Stadacona II, Halifax, Nova Scotia (DB02) Douglas Beach (left) and friend, 10 May 1944, Dartmouth, NS (DB03) Unknown friend / shipmate of Douglas Beach (DB04) Handkerchief that Doug had sent his mother - note card from Belfast tailor
(DB05) Three friends and / or shipmates of Douglas Beach (DB06) Doug after being demobilized and returning to civilian life
It is not known which ship these photos were taken from
(DB07) A Merchant Aircraft Carrier (MAC) (DB08) Stern view of the MAC with Swordfish (DB09) Aircraft being transported on merchant ship in convoy (DB10) Unknown Fairmile Motor Launch
(DB11) Escort oiler conducting fueling. Note the fueling line passed astern (DB12) Escort oiler conducting a light line transfer to ship Doug was on
(DB13) Douglas Keith Beach and the ship's mascot of HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350 (DB14) Douglas Keith Beach on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350, Shelburne, NS, March 1945 (DB15-DB16) Sailors on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350 peeling potatoes (DB17) Douglas Beach (right) and two shipmates on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350
(DB18)Unknown sailor on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350 with ship's mascot (DB19) Unknown sailor on HMCS COLLINGWOOD L350 with ship's mascot (DB20) Two unknown sailors on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350 (DB21) Two unknown sailors on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350 (DB22) Douglas Beach and shipmate "loading" forward gun of HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350
(DB23) Douglas Beach with ship's mascot of HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350
(BD24) Unknown sailor on HMCS COLLINGWOOD K350
Photos courtesy of Robert Wilson