Naval Museum of Halifax
(This is not an official page for the Naval Museum of Halifax)
This page is for photos and documents from the archives of the Naval Museum of Halifax. Some of the photos lack information and are thus a bit of a mystery or do not necessarily pertain to the RCN but are of historical value.
If you are able to identify any additional info for the photos in Section II please email
* Section I is for various photos and documents pertaining to the RCN; and/or the RN in Canada pre-1910 * Section II is for RCN photos that are lacking identifying information. * Section III is for photos that do not necessarily pertain to the RCN but are in the Museum's collection.
All photos and documents on this page are courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax
Naval Ledger - 1836, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Click here for more information on HMCS CORNWALLIS
HMCS NIOBE Collection
(NMoH-Niobe-001) Hoisting the White Ensign on HMCS NIOBE, Devonport, England (NMoH-Niobe-002) HMCS NIOBE coaling, Devonport Dockyard, England (NMoH-Niobe-003) "Quite Times" HMCS NIOBE in Halifax - 1910 (NMoH-Niobe-004) "Marching to Prayer" HMCS NIOBE (NMoH-Niobe-005) Mess deck on HMCS NIOBE
The NIOBE collection consists of 62 images. Click here to view the full collection on HMCS NIOBE'S page.
Photos of various shipboard weapons systems. The RCN negative number, where known, is below each photo.
Unserviceable 4" gun - damaged parts when recoil cylinders were not replaced
This collection contains 80 photos. Click here to view the full collection
HMS CUMBERLAND 22,000 tons (with H.R.H. Prince Albert on board) bunkering at Dominion Coal Company's Pier Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 18th 1913
The Sailing of the First Contingent - 15 Oct 1914 Thirty-one transports and eleven war vessels (of the Royal Navy) made up this Armada
First Contingent Convoy Organization Chart - Credit: PPCLI Regimental Museum & Archives
Believed to be the SS TECUMSEH anchored in harbour at Sydney, Nova Scotia during the First World War
Headquarters Company, Fourth Divisional Train, C.A.S.C. - C.E.F. "Officers and men of the 4th Divisional Train, Canadian Army Service Corps, No 1., Coy., South Barracks, Sackville St., Halifax, NS
Historical note: The 4th Division Train was formed in Jan 1916 under Lt Col EC Dean. This was a Canadian Corps supply and transport unit, incorporating both horse and mechanical transport. The 4th Divisional Train sailed for England from Halifax aboard the White Star RMS Olympic on 29 Jun 16, arriving 5 Jul 16 (port unspecified). It was absorbed into the CASC depot on arrival in England. Another 4th Divisional Train was formed in July 1916 under Lt Col RH Webb which arrived in France in August of that year and supported the Fourth Division for the rest of the War. (Research by Michael Paré / Research source documents held by the LAC)
Officers, Nursing Sisters & Staff, Military Base Hospital, C.E.F. M.D. No. 2 Lt. Col. E. B. Hardy, D.S.O. Officer Commanding. Toronto, July 15th 1918
13 Canadian General Hospital, R.C.A.M.C. England, September 1944
Defence Research Establishment Atlantic (DREA) Barge in Bedford Basin, NS - 1966 Neg # G-66-17V-2