Class Frigate

HMCS Montreal 336, 28 June 2005
Photographer: Bruce Davidson

HMCS Montreal
gunshield art
Battle honours and awards: Atlantic
1944-45, Arabian Sea
Laid down: 8
Launched: 28
Feb 1992
Commissioned: 21
Jul 1994
Paid off:
05 Jul 2010 for refit
Paid off:
She was floated up on 26 Feb1992 and
provisionally accepted on 27 Jul 1993. After a series of trials,
she was commissioned at Montreal on 21 Jul 1994, and designated a
French Language Unit. On 04 Jan 1995, Montreal sailed from
Halifax to join NATO's SNFL in the Adriatic Sea, blockading the
former Yugoslavia. While so employed she conducted 187 hailings, 57
boardings and diverted 4 vessel. During this tour she twice acted as flagship and
returned home on 19 Jul 1995. During 1997, 12,500 anechoic tiles were
applied to Montreal's hull in order to reduce noise. This experiment
was not entirely successful, and no other CPFs were so fitted. On 10
Aug 1998, Montreal departed Halifax to join the NATO fleet off
Florida, and with its Immediate Reaction Force paid an epoch-making
visit to St. Petersburg, to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the
Russian navy. She was back in Halifax on 15 Dec 1998. During the
summer of 2000 Montreal represented Canada in the Millennium
International Fleet Review in New York City, then escorted the Tall
Ships to Halifax, where she acted as flagship for the
Commander-in-Chief, Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson, to review
the Tall Ships sail past. The following week she was deployed to
support ATHABASKAN in Operation Megaphone, the boarding and
escorting of GTS Katie to Bécancour, Quebec.
26 Mar 2023, HMCS MONTREAL departed Halifax for a deployment in the
Indo-Pacific region.
Photos and Documents
Commissioning Booklet
Gunshield and Shipboard Art
Commanding Officers
Cdr S.D. Andrews - 31 Mar 1993 - 28 Jun
1993 Cdr C.D. Gunn
- 28 Jun 1993 - 13 Jul 1995 Cdr D.W. Shubaly
- 13 Jul 1995 - 09 Jul 1997 Cdr P.D. McFadden
- 09 Jul 1997 - 09 Jul 1999 Cdr N.H. Jolin
- 09 Jul 2099 - 22 Jun 2001 |
Cdr G.H.A. Hatton - 22 Jun 2001 - Cdr
S. Thorton - unk - 2014 Cdr.
K. Monaghan - 2014 - unk Cdr
Chris Sherban - unk - 09 Jan 2018 Cdr
Michael Eelhart - 09 Jan 2018 |
In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice
Lest We Forget
In memory of those who have crossed the bar
They shall not be

Baker, Kevin

John C. |

Michael L. |

Stephen K.


Richard D.

John R.
J.-M., Serge |

Yvan P.J.G.

Samuel L.


Reid, Tony

James R.
Former Crew Members
Hawley, John, Sea King Det. Chief
Kloosterman, Steve, HT - 1998-2000
Mercier, Maxime, Weapons Engineering Tec - 2018 |
Miniou, Scott, RP/NESOP
Richard, Mario - 2001-2005
Tremblay, Gilbert (Gigi), PO2, NESOP, 04 Jul
1994 - 21 Jul 1997 |
Photos and

The future HMCS Toronto, HMCS Vancouver and
HMCS Montreal under construction at Saint John Shipbuilding, Mar
Courtesy of Dean Lang

HMCS MONTREAL 336 - 1993
Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax

HMCS Montreal 336 with HMCS Algonquin 283 and
HMCS Protecteur 509
Courtesy of John Le Forte |

HMCS Montreal 336 lit up for Christmas, Dec
Courtesy of the CFB
Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum |
HMCS Montreal's 20th Anniversary Gala Event

(1) Invitation to the 20th Anniversary
(2) Power Point Presentation for the 20th Anniversary
(3) Speaker Notes (PDF file)
Courtesy of Brad Browne |

HMCS Montreal 336 - 2015
Jacek Szymanski, RCN Broadcast Unit
Photo |

HMCS Montreal 336, enroute to Plymouth,
England, passes Wolf Rock with battle ensign flying - Oct 2015
note: On 17 Dec 1944, her predecessor, the River Class
frigate, HMCS Montreal K319 rescued the survivors of U-1209, wrecked
on Wolf Rock, southwest of Land's End
DND/RCN photo / Crown copyright 2015 |

HMCS Montreal 336 conducting a RAS approach
during Work-Ups - Mar 2015

Committal of Ashes of 22 veterans takes place
on HMCS Montreal off Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, NS on Battle of
the Atlantic Sunday, 01 May 2016
Courtesy of Bill Gard |

September 19, 2017, HMCS Montréal took time from their operation to
honour and remember the officers and sailors of HMCS Athabaskan who
were lost at sea when the ship was torpedoed and sank off the coast
of France on April 29, 1944 during the Second World War. As HMCS
Montréal transited north as part of NEPTUNE TRIDENT 17-02, the
ship’s company laid a wreath at sea over the area where HMCS
Athabaskan sank. The wreath was laid by those who served on HMCS
Athabaskan (3rd of name), named after the original Athabaskan, whose
members felt a close connection to the ship and its history.
DND/RCN Photos / Crown copyright 2017 |

HMCS Montreal (foreground) during Operation
Joint Warrior 172 in the Irish Sea - Oct 2017
DND/RCN Photo / Crown copyright 2017 |

HMCS Montreal transiting the Norwegian Sea -
Oct 2017
Photographer unknown |

HMCS MONTRÉAL patrols the Mediterranean Sea
during Operation REASSURANCE - 04 Apr 2022
Photographer: Cpl Braden Trudeau |

MONTRÉAL and its embarked CH-148 helicopter as part of NATO’s
Maritime Command on Operation REASSURANCE - Apr 2022
/ RCN photo |

MONTRÉAL and its embarked CH-148 helicopter are joined by an Royal
Canadian Air Force CP-140 Aurora Long Range Patrol aircraft as part
of NATO’s Maritime Command on Operatio REASSURANCE - Apr 2022
DND / RCN photo |