Halifax Class Frigate






On 01 Nov 2007, HMCS CALGARY became the first Canadian ship from the West Coast fleet to fire the new Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM).

Source: DND photo Photo credit: Corporal Pier-Adam Turcotte


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1942-45,   Biscay  1943,   Normandy  1944,   English Channel  1944-45,   North Sea  1945,  Arabian Sea



Laid down: 15 Jun 1991

Launched: 28 Aug 1992

Commissioned: 12 May 1995

Paid off: 


The final ship from Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, Que, she was floated up on 28 Aug 1992. She departed Quebec City on 24 Jun 1994 and arrived at Halifax on 28 Jun 1994, where she was provisionally accepted on 30 Aug 1994. She was to be based at Esquimalt, where she was commissioned on 12 May 1995. On 10 July 1995 she sailed for the Arabian (Persian) Gulf as the first in her class to assist in enforcing sanctions against Iraq. Homebound December 1995, she went to the aid of the sinking Greek bulk-carrier Mount Olympus, 1,500 south of Halifax. CALGARY's helicopter rescued all 30 of the crew, landing them aboard the Bulgarian freighter Rodopi. CALGARY returned to Esquimalt on 22 Dec 1995, the first CPF to circumnavigate the globe. In the summer of 1999 CALGARY participated in the Pacific exercise Tandem Thrust despite the breakdown of one of her diesel generators. From there she journeyed to Singapore, to take part in IMDEX 99 (the International Marine Defence Exhibition). On 20 June 2000, CALGARY again departed Esquimalt for a five-month deployment to the Arabian Gulf, operating with American units in enforcing UN sanctions against Iraq, returning home on 30 Nov 2000.



Photos and Documents          Ships Books and Booklets          Ship's Company Photos


Gunshield and Shipboard Art



Commanding Officers


Cdr G.A. Paulson - 21 Feb 1994 - 09 Jul 1996

Cdr R.E. Bush - 09 Jul 1996 - 18 Oct 1997

Cdr Paul A. Maddison - 18 Oct 1997 - 16 Jul 1999

Cdr Timothy M. Howard - 16 Jul 1999 - 29 Jan 2001

Cdr G.R. Peskett - 29 Jan 2001 - unk

Cdr K. Larkin

Cdr W. Quinn - 2008 - unk

Cdr Ron Pumphrey

Cdr P. Francoeur - 20 Jan 2011 - unk

Cdr. J.K. Wilson

Cdr Elbourne - 

Cdr Jonathan Kouwenberg, RCN - unk - Jan 2020

Cdr Alex Barlow, RCN - Jan 2020 - present




     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     


Ashley, Mark

Lt (N), C.A.F.

died - 18 Aug 2007



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten




Former Crew Members


Beaumier, Francois, PO2 NET (T) - 1995 - 1999


Boon, Aaron. - 1999. Served in CALGARY for Ex. Tandum Thrust


Corbett, MS - 2015


French, LCdr, XO - 2015


Gagnon, Patrick Raymond


Hossman (Moritz), Carin, SYO - Jun 1997-Aug 1999

Miniou, Scott, RP/NESOP


Morse, CPO1, Cox'n - 2015


Pascall, Luke, Stwd 


Price, Gerry, CPO1, Cox'n Jul 2009 - May 2011


Tiffin, Rick - 1994-1995 / 1999-2000



Ship's Books and Booklets



12 May 1995



Photos and Documents







(CGY001) HMCS CALGARY 335 - 2018  //  DND photo

(CGY002) HMCS CALGARY 335  //  Canadian Forces Photograph: HSC 94-0779

(CGY003) HMCS CALGARY 335 - Oct 2018

(CGY004) HMCS CALGARY 335, Tokyo, 2018  //  DND Photo

(CGY005) Crew members of Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) CALGARY standby on the focs'le as the ship departs Sasebo harbour, Japan during Operation PROJECTON on November 27, 2018  //  DND Photo / Canadian Forces Combat Camera  //  Photo: Leading Seaman Mike Goluboff, MARPAC Imaging Services ET11-2018-0475-177






(CGY006-CGY009) HMCS CALGARY clear debris from a 1 km stretch of a beach on the island of Diega Garcia.  80 bags of trash were collected - Jul 2021  //  Photographer: Cpl Lynette Ai Dang





(CGY010-CGY012) HMCS CALGARY clear debris from a 1 km stretch of a beach on the island of Diega Garcia.  80 bags of trash were collected - Jul 2021  //  Photographer: Cpl Lynette Ai Dang



(CGY013) HMCS CALGARY 335 getting an new paint job - Dec 2023  //  Source: "X" post of Dave Mazur @WestCoast Cmdre