In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Jack is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Ships served in:
(JDM001) Stoker Jack McMillan // Courtesy of the Saskatoon Museum of Military Artifacts. Photo ID # 7564-027 (JDM002) Stoker John Lundrigan, lost in the sinking of HMCS CHARLOTTETOWN K244 // Courtesy of the Saskatoon Museum of Military Artifacts. Photo ID # 7564-026 (JDM003) HMCS CHARLOTTETOWN K244 Ship's Company Photo - Jack McMillan, front row, 1st on right. John Lundrigan, front row, 4th from right. // Courtesy of the Saskatoon Museum of Military Artifacts. Photo ID # 7564-4a028i // This photo is posted on the ship's company photo page for HMCS CHARLOTTETOWN K244 with crew numbered for identification purposes
(JDM004) Grave marker for Jack McMillan in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan // Source: Find-A-Grave
Funeral of Able Seaman Donald Bowser at the St. Paul's Anglican Church in Gaspé, Quebec. Courtesy of Saskatoon Museum of Military Artifacts Note: The numbers below the photos are the museum's artifact reference numbers