In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Mrs. Wellsey Whynot, Mrs. Eric Connel, Gordon Whynot of R.C.N., Mrs. William Whynot, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lohnes and son Brian were supper guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. MacKay at Petite Revere on Sunday. (Lunenburg Progress Enterprise Wed, 19 Aug 1942, pg 8 Mahone Bay / Research by George Newbury)
Gordon Whynot, R.C.N., Halifax son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellsley Whynot Mahone Bay, has been transferred to Sorrell, Quebec. (The Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Wed, 15 Jul 1942, Pg 8, Mahone Bay / Research by George Newbury) (Note: Gordon's father's surname was Wynot - Wellesley Macarthur 'Wellie' Wynot 13 Oct 1894 - 21 Jan 1986)
P.O. Gordon Whynot, RCNVR who was spending a nine day leave at his home here before joining his ship the H.M.C.S. Huron for discharge procedure after which he will proceed to Toronto where he will reside. Mrs. Whynot has been residing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Toronto since their marriage. (The Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Wed., 12 Dec 1945, Pg 8, Mahone Bay / Research by George Newbury)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wynot returned to their home in Toronto on Friday. They have spent a very pleasant vacation with his family in town. Gordon is a graduate of the Canadian School of Embalming, Banting Institute of the University of Toronto and is on the staff of the F. Rosar Funeral Residence. Formerly he was Sick Bay Petty Officer in the R.C.N. for 5 1/2 years, enlisting when he was a student nurse at the V.G. Hospital, shortly before graduation. He is very popular with all his associates, who are delighted to hear of his success. (The Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Wed, 4 Aug 1948, Pg 8, Mahone Bay)
Ships served in: