For Posterity's Sake         

A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project


They made the Ultimate Sacrifice


Nigel David Zenkner


Ordinary Seaman


Electronic Warfare Sensor Operator, C.A.F. (Navy)


Born: 14 Jan 1959, Dewsbury, United Kingdom


Died: 27 Mar 1979 at sea


Book of Remembrance


ZENKNER, Nigel David, OS.EW, C.A.F., died - 17 Mar 1979, HMCS NIPIGON - Lost at sea - Son of Richard and Martha Zenkner of Waterloo, ON.


Seaman falls overboard - Halifax (CP) - Nigel David Zenkner, a crew member of the Canadian Forces destroyer NIPIGON, was missing at sea after falling overboard 150 nautical miles south of Halifax. Aircraft and surface ships were searching the area but a Canadian Forces spokesman said there was not much hope of him being alive in the cold water. (Victoria Times Colonist, Wed., 28 Mar 1979 - researched by George Newbury)


Ships served in:



Headstone for Nigel's parents.  His name has been include in memory on their headstone

Courtesy of Steve Ewert



In Service of Canada - RCN Peacetime Casualty Index