A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
BAKER, John Albert Raymond (Jack), 8530-E, RCN - Born in Queensborough, New Westminster, on October 22, 1930, Jack passed in Victoria on January 15, 2019 at 88, the same number as "keys on a piano". Survived by wife, Eve, daughter Stacey and her husband Ryan (handyman-in-training), granddaughter Paige, nephews Ted and Andrew and their families, and in-laws Robin and Maureen Applewhaite; predeceased by brother Gale. Jack was a proud veteran of the Korean War serving on HMCS Cayuga for two tours. Returning to civilian life he worked as an ambulance driver then a prison guard, before joining the Motor Vehicle Branch. As a Driver Examiner he spent many years in various cities and towns in northern BC, then managed MVB offices in the Lower Mainland until moving to Victoria as Assistant to the Superintendent. In 1987 he retired as Acting Director of the Provincial Emergency Program. Jack was a strong supporter of Lions International, visiting Clubs in the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley and Washington State as Zone Chairman. In 1971-72, he served as District Governor attending conferences in Los Angeles and Mexico City. During his time with Lions, he was instrumental in the formation of Easter Seal Buses and Camp Shawnigan. Jack enjoyed many years of sailing the west coast, from Puget Sound to Desolation Sound and the Gulf Islands, but after retirement changed to land transportation with his MGB "stock" roadster. His retirement was a special time with lots of projects; house husband/dad, model boat builder, Kootenay Lake cabin carpenter and driver/participant on road trips/events with the Victoria MG Club, where he was an executive member for 18 years. He will be missed for many attributes, especially his sense of humour, ability to always see the glass half full and enthusiasm for whatever was happening in life. And I'm leaving my family And I'm leaving my friends My body's at home But my heart's in the wind Where the clouds are like headlines On a new front page sky And shiver me timbers I'm sailing away….. No service. Flowers gratefully declined; donations to Victoria Hospitals Foundation, if desired. (Victoria times Colonist 16 Mar 2019)
Ships served in: HMCS CAYUGA - Served in Cayuga during the Korean War. Listed on Cayuga's nominal role for 30 Jun 1951 as an OS