A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
WELLMAN, Marvin Claire, Surgeon Captain, RCN - After retiring from the Navy, Capt. Wellman moved to Florida where he lived until he passed away in 1970.
He served in HMCS Stadacona effective 18 Jul 1941 // HMCS Avalon as Surg. LCdr effective 26 Aug 1943 // HMCS Stadacona as Surg-Cdr effective 29 Dec 1944 // HMCS Magnificent as Surg-Cdr effective 31 Dec 1949 // HMCS Niagara as Surg-Cdr effective 07 Sep 1951 // RCN Hospital Naden as Surg-Cdr effective 24 Mar 1952 // RCN Barracks Esquimalt as Surg-Cdr, Principal Medical Officer effective 07 Sep 1954 // HMCS Cornwallis as Principal Medical Officer and as Senior Psychiatric Specialist 1956 // He was appointed as a Surgeon Captain RCN with seniority dated 01 Jul 1959
Ships served in: HMCS MAGNIFICENT - Appointed to Magnificent 31 Dec 1949 as Surg-Cdr, RCN
(1) A fishing trip in Newfoundland - 1944. Surg-Cdr Wellman, back row with pipe. (2) Surgeon Captain Marvin Wellman and Mrs. Mary Gibson Fletcher Wellman (3) Surg-Capt Wellman greets Princess Margaret at HMCS Cornwallis during her official visit to Nova Scotia in 1958 (4) Silver platter presented to Surg-Capt Wellman on his retirement from the Navy in 1959
Courtesy of Michael Wellman