If you can identify anyone in these photos, please send me an EMAIL
HMCS ST JOHN'S date unknown Courtesy of John Le Forte
HMCS ST JOHN'S 340 date unknown Courtesy of John Le Forte
Deck Department - HMCS ST JOHN'S 340 - NATO 1999 Courtesy of John Le Forte
HMCS ST JOHN'S 340 Vimy Ridge Memorial Jun 2019 Click on the above photo to view a slightly larger image
HMCS ST JOHN'S 340 Admirals Cup Winners - 2024
Bravo Zulu to the ship’s company of HMCS St. John's / NCSM St. John's - the 2024 Admirals Cup winners! Together, they demonstrated best overall "Efficiency, Morale & Leadership," supporting both the formation and fleet operations in a variety of areas.
Highlights included high morale, contributions to individual deployment training and readiness, and charitable works, which included raising a record of $151,789 for Make-a-Wish NL, during their 29th annual Run the Rock campaign.
Source: RCN official facebook page
Click here for more information on HMCS ST JOHN'S