Unofficial RCN Uniform Survey



This survey is an UNOFFICIAL survey being conducted by "For Posterity's Sake" and is for currently serving members of the RCN holding the rank of S3 to MS only.


To respond to the survey please email with a subject line of  "UNOFFICIAL RCN UNIFORM SURVEY"


After I record your survey results your email will be deleted and no identifying information will be posted anywhere or given to anyone else.


This is a reoccurring question on Facebook and I would like to hear the opinion of those it would affect.


This survey will be run for approximately 6 months ending in Nov 2024 to give time for anyone interested to respond.


Please only respond to the survey if you are a currently serving S3 to MS



Question #1:  Should the RCN revert to pre-unification Square Rig for the uniform of the Junior Ranks.  The uniform will be the same for all junior ranks no matter how you self identify - Gun Shirt, Jumper, Bell Bottoms and Port and Starboard cap - Yes or No


Question #2:  Do you think issuing Square Rig as a uniform would improve recruitment and retention - Yes, No or Not sure



In the text of your email put "Q1" Yes or "Q1" No


"Q2" Yes or "Q2" No  or "Q2" not sure


Feel free to provide amplifying info / comments.





Should the RCN Revert to Square Rig for Junior Ranks

Do you think issuing Square Rig would help with recruiting / retention





Not Sure







Total # of respondents: 1



Question 1 comments received


* Yes - I do have ideas for a modernized version however using leftover material from old NCDs and purposely making them a roomier fit with pleated pants or something similar . This would allow members to work while wearing DEUs if required, because often enough a last minute tasking will be given when members are in No. 1s, and No. 1s are extremely difficult to work in if required.



Question 2 comments received


* Yes, but mainly for recruitment. Some already in might be displeased with the choice to replace uniforms before equipment. Others may not care enough that a new uniform would effect retention rates.