RCN Memories Index



Click on thumbnail images to view photos submitted with stories


To submit a story, please email the webmaster


Please keep in mind that some of the stories here are humourous and some of them are of a more serious nature where shipmates have lost a life while others may contain profanity.


Some of these events happened 70 plus years ago and may not be 100% historically accurate - they are from our memories as we remember them. 


72 Hours Leave!!


140 Litres in . . . 140 Litres out


153 Pallets and 6,000 Barrels of Extra Fuel


A Beer and a Haircut Two Bucks


A Box of Asapagus 


A Christmas Memory


A Christmas Poem at Sea


A Cornwallis Birthday


A Final Visit


A Gale of a Time 


A Gift Remembered - A Sailor not Forgotten


A Good Deed Remembered


A Lost Comrade


A Princess was born


A Middle Watch on the Bonnie


A Sailor's Tale: From Ansell to Infinity


A Sea King and a Kiwi


A Storm and a Dye Marker


A Survivor's Memories - HMCS Magog


A Survivor's Memories - HMCS Magog


A very short sail with a lifetime of memories


A Wee Bit Ahead


A West Coast Drug Bust


A Whale's Tail


Adrift on the Lake Ontario


Air Sea Rescue RCN Style


Algonquin's Last Hurrah


Algonquin's Navigator Speaks Out


Away Sea Boats Crew!


Abandon Ship!!


Algonquin's race to the fueling jetty


An audience with the Pope


An Ontario Christmas - 1950


Beards, Beer and Mopeds (in Bermuda)


Beer Stores Secure


Big Bird


Black Angus isn't a cow


Brace for Shock!!


Camp No Name, Labrador


Captain Cook's Sword


Changing a light bulb


Christmas gifts  for HMCS Springhill


CFB Trenton EOD Trip


Cinco De Mayo (or Man Overboard)


Communist China and Script Money


D-Day on LCI(C)-295


Don't Bend the Bollards


Don't forget to turn off the power!!


Fire Fire Fire!! ... well kind of


Fire in the Galley


First Breakfast at Sea


Fleet Regetta - 1952


Flight Deck Troubles


Flour Bombs Away!!


Fond Memories


Fundy to the Rescue


Going Ashore, D-Day Plus 7


Gut Instincts or Don't forget the funnel covers


Hard a Port ... OUCH!!!!


Haircuts or Chastity Belts


Hands to Breakfast


Hands to Dinner


Heart of the Fleet


Helicopter Flying off Bermuda


Hide and Seek at Sea


HMCS Cap de la Madeleine 2 - Subs - 0

HMCS Cornwallis


HMCS Huron Aground off Korea


HMCS Longueuil - V.E. Day in Newfie John


HMCS Quinte's Kisby Ring


How I Met My Wife


How to Lose Track of an Aircraft Carrier


I found a Soviet sub!


In memory of a veteran - John Lipton


Its a bird .... It's a plane .....


Jetty jumping .... in Bermuda


Just Another Day in the Canadian Navy


Last Man On Board


Last North Atlantic Convoy


Life on a WW 2 Frigate


Mademoiselle, Matelot & the Poodle


Malaspina Memories


Man Overboard!! - HMCS Bonaventure


Man Overboard!! - HMCS Provider


Man Overboard!! - HMCS Restigouche


Margaree Memories


Mediterranean Mooring


Memoirs of a Boy Seaman


Memories of a POW


Memories of my Time in the Navy


Memories of the Maggie


Mines off Korea


My China Plate - A tribute to Gilles Doutre


My First Ship


My First Voyage (on HMCS Iroquois)


My "Housewife" saves the day


My Return to Canada - Donald McIntosh


My Time on Haida


My Time On Vicky


Naval Air Recollections


Naval Stores Nightmares


New England Boiled Dinner


No more duty watches


Not with my ship!


Now that's performance!


Nov 7th is a lot tougher than Nov 11th


On the Upper Decks on D-Day


Only in England!!


OPS Room Oooops


Out of Bounds to Unauthorized Personnel!


Pipes to be remembered


Plymouth Fury


Port 10


Prepare to be Boarded!


Radio Check - Over


Recollections of an Air Electrician




"Remembrance" is not just about "Over there"


Remembering Donald Metcalfe - HMCS ATHABASKAN G07


Remembering Joe Urie, LSBN


Remembering Morley Haynes, Stoker 1c, RCNVR


Remembering the 6th Submarine Squadron


Remembering the Heroes of D-Day


Roach Zappers




Salvaging the SS Imperial Transport


Sarnia sails with WRENS ... and a wife


Saved by a cuppa coffee


Secure for heavy seas


Shanghaied in Rome


Shore Patrol

Should I stay or should I go


Speaking of anchors and chains ...


Splice the Mainbrace


Steering a Zig Zag Course


Standby to launch C.O.


Standby to M-Bare-Ass the Admiral




Shock Trial Memories - HMCS Iroquois


Slow ahead on port, Sir


South American Tour


Sub Busters


Sussexvale's Missing Helm


Tales from the Liars Table


Target Practice Gone Wrong


Terry Fox, the GG, a Submarine and Rum


The Battle of St. Margaret's Bay


The Big "O's" Guns


The Bonnie and the Medicine Man


The Boston Bruins play games on HMCS Cape Scott


The Cap


The Commodore and the Pickled Eggs


The Cook and the Duty Watch


The Final Shutdown - HMCS Kootenay 258


The Great Imposter


The Great Rum Robbery


The Grounding of HMCS Joliette K418


The Loss of HMCS Skeena


The Minesweeper and the Yacht


The Padre and the Valium


The Party Boat


The Pickle's C.O.


The Picnic


The Portuguese Revolution


The Poseidon Adventure


The Quinte's List


The Rat Patrol


The sinking of U-845


The Storm


The Unsinkable Pickle


The XO and a practical joke


The XO's Cap


There's a Moose in my tub


This is a raid!!


Three Shipmates Remembered - The Crash of HMCS Nipigon's Sea King


Toronto win the cup


Trials and Tribulations


Trick or Treat!!


Trip to England - 1968


True Integration in the CF


Unwanted Guests


Visit with the dentist


Wartime Memories - George (Red) MacNair


Wartime Memories - Larry Costello


Wartime Memories - Nicholas Vukson


Wartime memories from a sailors daughter


Wartime memories on HMCS Swansea K328


Weapons Cleaning


What if?


When were you born?


Where is the Huron?


Where's my RHIB?


Why I Miss the Navy


Wooden ships and Iron men (again)


Yes, we have ducks in the Canadian Navy


You must wear a tie