Norton Class Tugboat
Built in 1944 (commission date May 27) by Montreal Drydock in Montreal, Quebec, the Beaverton was one of eight Norton Class ocean-going tug ordered by the RCN under the Emergency Boat Building Program of WW II. Five were built by the Montreal Dry Dock Co. and three by Canadian Bridge Co. of Windsor ON. She saw service on the East Coast of Canada during WW II. On August 27, 1946, after a collision with the Empire McAlpine the Beaverton sank off Cap-aux-Oies, QC.
Commanding Officers
Skpr/Lt, George Yarn, RCNR - 24 Apr 1944 - unk
Lt Gordon Alister Mills, RCNR - 02 Jan 1945 - unk
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Brash, Robert, Skpr/Lt, RCNR - 24 Apr 1944
Cooke, Hugh Allan, Skpr, RCNR - 12 Feb 1945
McLay, Kenneth Roderick, Skpr/Lt, RCNR - 02 Apr 1945
Miller, James Arthur Sinclair, Skpr, RCNR - 16 Apr 1945
Saunders, Ivor Henry Alphonso, A/Wt (E) - 11 Apr 1944