Defensively Equipped Merchant Ship (D.E.M.S.)
The Tipperary Park was built by the Burrard Drydock Company Ltd. in Vancouver for the Canadian Government merchant fleet under the Park SS Co, Montreal. (Canadian Shipping Co, Vancouver) and was completed on 28 Feb 1944. After the war she was purchased by the Western Canada SS Co, Vancouver and renamed Shawinigan Lake in 1946. In 1950 she was renamed Table Bay still under the same owner but now based in Glasgow, Scotland. in 1957 she was sold to Jugoslavenska Oceanska Plovidba, Kotor and renamed Rumija. In 1967 she was sold again sold to Ruma Shipping Co, Panama and renamed Ruma. She was finally scrapped in Kaohsiung in 1968.
They shall not be forgotten