

Fairmile Motor Launch



Fairmile ML Q117 outboard ML Q118

Source: Flickr photo collection of Don Gorham


Laid down: 21 Apr 1943

Launched: 06 Nov 1943

Delivered to the RCN: 16 Nov 1943

Removed from service: 03 Aug 1945

Transferred to RCMP Marine Division: 1945

Fate: Sold in 1946. Final disposition unknown


Built by Grew Boats Ltd., Penetanguishene, Ont., she was delivered to the RCN on 16 Nov 1943.While she flew the White Ensign, she was not commissioned into the RCN but instead was listed as a tender to HMCS SAMBRO, the depot ship for escorts (tenders were not commissioned vessels).


In Jan 1944, Q117 was listed as part of the 82nd ML Flotilla. Transferred to the RCMP in 1946, she was renamed Fort Steele. Never commissioned, she was sold in 1946 and renamed Nakomis, later Supertrader, Polar Clipper.



Photos and Documents          Crew photos



Commanding Officers


SLt Edward Hamilton Gudewill, RCNVR - 17 Dec 1943 - 25 Jan 1944

Lt Gerald Estabrooks Rising, RCNVR - 26 Jan 1944 - 26 Dec 1944

Lt James Gilchrist Menzies, RCNVR - 27 Dec 1944 - 13 Mar 1945

Lt William Joseph King, RCNVR - 14 Mar 1945 - 02 Apr 1945

Lt James Gilchrist Meznies, RCNVR - 03 Mar 45 - 19 Jul 45


     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten




Former Crew Members


Bagshaw, William Edward - 1944-1945


Caya, Jean Jacques, Slt, RCNVR - 05 Feb 1944


de Montigny, P. - 1944-1945


Hannam, T. - 1944-1945

Hewitson, Albert Gordon, Slt, RCNVR - 27 Jan 1944


John, W. - 1944-1945


MacLean, J. - 1944-1945


Murray, A., Cox'n - 1944-1945

Reece, R. - 1944-1945


Teague, E - 1944-1945


Ulrickson, O., CPO - 1944-1945



Photos and Documents







(ARP012 - ARP013) Engine room on Q117  //  ML112 to ML129 were powered by 2 x 850 hp Sterling Admiral gasoline engines

(ARP014) Christmas on Q117 - Dec 1944  //  Webmaster's comment: Not enough room to swing a cat

(ARP015) Crew members of Q117 - Christmas 1943  //  Front Row: 2nd from left- unknown rating "CO for the Day",  3rd from left - SLt Edward Gudewill, CO.  Back Row 1st on left: Allan Francis Nicholson (with hat pushed back)

(ARP016) Crew members of Q117 - Christmas 1943  //  Front Row: 1st on left - Unknown rating - "CO for the Day",  2nd from left - SLt Edward Gudewill, CO.  Back Row 1st on left: Allan Francis Nicholson (with hat pushed back)







(ARP017) Crew members of Q117  //  Arthur Penelton sitting in front with shirt on - remainder unknown

(ARP018) Looking aft on Q117

(ARP019) Looking aft on Q117

(ARP020 - ARP021) Q117 launching a depth charge







(ARP022) Looking aft at Fairmiles in line ahead formation. Note the smoke maker on the right of the photo

(ARP023 - ARP024) Q117 laying a smoke screen

(ARP025) A wall of smoke

(ARP026) Unknown sailor as QM on Q117







The surrender of U-889

After the German surrender on 8 May 1945, the German High Command ordered all U-boats to surrender. On the afternoon of 10 May, U-889 was spotted south of Newfoundland by a RCAF airplane, steaming at 10 knots and flying a black flag of surrender. The RCAF plane radioed to nearby Western Escort Force W-6 who intercepted the submarine an hour later. U-889 was ordered to head to Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. 24 hours later U-889 was turned over to the frigates HMCS BUCKINGHAM and HMCS INCH ARRAN who escorted her to Shelburne Harbour where she was boarded and Braeucker, her Commanding Officer, made a formal surrender.


(ARP027) Q117 alongside U-889. Boarding party raises White Ensign on U-889

(ARP028) U-889 with 3 Fairmiles. Q121 on right. RCAF flying boat overhead

(ARP029) U-889 underway with White Ensign. Q121 in background. Unknown Fairmile in foreground

(ARP030) U-889  underway with prize crew. Q118 followed by Q117 on left, frigate in background either Buckingham or Inch Arran

(APR031) U-889 with 3 Fairmiles. Lead Fairmile unknown, 2nd is Q121 and 3rd is Q117 with German POWs on fo'c's'le






(ARP032) U-889 seen through a scuttle on Q117

(ARP033) U-889 with White Ensign

(ARP034) Q117 with U-889 prisoners on fo'c's'le

(ARP035) Q117, with U-889 prisoners, approaches barge off Shelburne, NS


From the collection of Arthur Penelton, Telegraphist, RCNVR


Courtesy of Gary Penelton




(HPW012) The surrender of U-889 - ML Q117 in the background.  RCN photo. Neg # A-1416

From the collection of Henry W. Patterson, Lt, RCNVR

Courtesy of Steve Patterson