Western Isles Class Anti-Submarine Trawler
Built at Collingwood, Ont. for the RN she was commissioned on 08 Oct 1942 as HMS ANTICOSTI. She was loaned to the RCN, though never commissioned in the RCN; and was manned by RN personnel. On 11 May 1943, HMS ANTICOSTI went into refit in Louisbourg, NS. On 22 Mar 1945, HMS ANTICOSTI T274 rescued 25 survivors of SS Watuka's (a Canadian merchantman) crew of 26. She was returned to the RN on 17 Jun 1945 and paid off. Sold to Norwegian owners in 1946 and re-named Guloy. Re-named twice subsequently, she still existed as late as 1968 as the Ethiopian-flag Giuseppina.
Commanding Officers
T/Lt. Andrew John Wilkie, RNR - Mar 1942 - Feb 1943
T/Lt. John Clayton Tytherleigh, RNR - Feb 1943 - Feb 1944
T/Lt. John Craig Boyd, RNVR - dates unk
They shall not be forgotten