HMCS LOOS / Gate Vessel 14
Battle Class Trawler
Launched in Kingston on 27 Sep 1917, LOOS was in commission between 01 Aug 1918 and 1920. In 1922 she entered the service of the Department of Marine and Fisheries as a lighthouse supply ship. About 1937 she was sold out of government service, but was taken up again by the RCN on 12 Dec 1940. By Jun 1941, she had been converted to Gate Vessel 14 and served as such for a time at Shelburne. In 1945 she was returned to her previous owner, Marine Industries Ltd., and broken up in 1949.
Commanding Officers
Skpr Ellsworth Trask Coggins, RCNR - 15 May 1941 - unk
Skpr James Albert Daniel Anthony, RCNR - 01 May 1942 - unk
They shall not be forgotten