Commissioned on 13 Nov 1943, at Walkerville, Ont., this small tanker was used to deliver fuel oil from Halifax refineries to bases on the east coast and in Newfoundland. Occasionally Dundalk served as a lighter. She was paid off on 09 Apr 1946, and subsequently served as a CNAV until 13 Nov 1959.
Commanding Officers
Skpr/Lt B.W. Allen, RCNR - 10 July 1943 - unk
Skpr/Lt J.S.G. Ascah, RCNR - 06 Oct 1943 - 09 July 1945
Skpr/Lt Boyd Wellington Allen, RCN(R) - 10 Jul 1945 - unk
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Craigdallie, Thomas, Ch/Skpr, RCNR - 16 Apr 1945
Foote, William Gordon, Ch/Skpr, RCNR - 11 Jun 1945
Snow, Frederick William, Skpr/Lt, RCNR - 14 Apr1945
Photos and Documents
(JL19) CNAV DUNDALK - "Halifax to Bermuda" (JL20) John, Pygm and Al on CNAV DUNDALK (JL21) Joe Lesage on CNAV DUNDALK (JL22) CNAV DUNDALK
From the collection of Marcel (Joe) Lesage, RCN
Courtesy of Richard Lesage
CFAV DUNDALK, Jetty 9, Halifax - 07 Oct 1981
Courtesy of Hugh Muir