CD 25
Auxiliary Patrol Drifter
CD 25 "The war is over"
From the collection of William Herbert Rose and Marmaduke Rose Courtesy of Bud (Donald) Rose
Paid off on 15 Feb 1919, CD 25 was loaned to Dr. Grenfill (Labrador Mission) in 1920. She was renamed Fenby in 1925 and sold to France on 13 Jun 1925.
Commanding Officers
Ch/Skpr Berton Miller Balcom, RCN - 01 Mar 1918 - unk
Skpr Avery Howard Nickerson, RCN - 06 May 1918 - 15 Feb 1919
They shall not be forgotten
Photos and Documents
(CD25-001) A few crew members of CD 25 (CD25-002) Fo'c's'le of CD 25
(CD25-003) Sleeping on the upper deck under the canopy on CD 25 - somewhere off Bermuda (CD25-004) Sleeping on the upper deck under the canopy on CD 25 - somewhere off Bermuda (CD25-005) The gun on a CD (possibly CD 25) (CD25-006) Iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. Photo taken from CD 25 From the collection of William Herbert Rose and Marmaduke Rose Courtesy of Bud (Donald) Rose