Mission & Morale Patches



This page is to show the various morale and mission patches worn by sailors of the RCN.  If you would like to submit a patch for this page, please email info@forposterityssake.ca with a scan of the patch and a brief write-up on it who designed it (if known) and  the event / mission it was designed for.


Mission / Morale patches are worn on the right sleeve of the Naval Environment Combat Uniform and the RCN and unit patch is worn on the left sleeve


Patches shown here are in no particular sequence.



RCN ensign jacket patch


HMCS CHARLOTTETOWN - Op Reassurance Roto 21 Mission Patch

HMCS CALGARY - Op Projection 18-2 Mission patch

HMCS OTTAWA morale patch which was created by S1 Luke Wieler and S1 David Eaglestick - 2023


Click here to view the article from the Lookout Newspaper on the history of this patch

RCN 75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic morale patch - 2020

HMCS NANAIMO - Navigators of the Salish Sea morale patch - 2018


Click here to view the article from the Lookout Newspaper on the history of this patch

HMCS REGINA morale patch - 2023


Designed by Sailor First Class (S1) Marianne Maxwell, Weapons Engineering Technician, the patch signifies new beginnings for the ship’s adventures.


The design incorporates a Trident with the Prairie Bison skull and iconic Regina crown as part of the three prongs.  The ship and the waves crashing in the background are an homage to the wartime paint job Regina had carried since 2019

HMCS OTTAWA - 25th Anniversary moral patch - 2021


source: "X" post by Scott Robinson

HMCS NANAIMO - Op Caribbe Mission Patch - 2020

Ex Cyber Flag 2024 Mission Patch