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59 Steps to the Crow's Nest - tells the story of the Club from its opening in January 1942 to present day through member interviews and archival footage.
Arctic Star Medal - Veterans Affairs Canada (how to apply for)
Battle of the Atlantic Memorial - HMCS Prevost (You Tube video)
Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War Canadian Naval Review - past issues Canadian Veterans: Owed or Missing Medals - A facebook page run by Kyle Scott - A Canadian veteran helping fellow Canadian veterans receive replacement medals for missing, lost, or destroyed, as well as owed honours and awards from the Department of National Defence and the Governor General’s Office. Canadians and Coastal Forces During World War II - by Capt. (N) Ret'd Michael Braham Casualty List for Canadian Merchant Seaman in WWII Citations - Royal Canadian Navy Convoys Remembered - Stories of sailors who battled in the Arctic Convoys Crossed the Bar / Sick Bay Rangers - New Zealand (Facebook group)
D-Day - Anatomy of a Second Wave, Canadian landings captured by RCN photographer Deployments by Ships of the Royal Canadian Navy into Canadian Northern Waters, 1949-2014
German Navy - Second World War Sailor name search Great Lakes Vessels - On Line Index - Bowling Green State University
Jerry Proc's Family of Web Pages
Legion Magazine: It Began With Fish and Ships: Navy, Part 1 - This is the first story of a 55 part series on the RCN - each story has a link to the next in the series Lest We Forget - a blog by Pierre Lagacé about those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice. Great stories and articles. Lest We Forget II - a blog by Pierre Lagacé. His first blog maxed out his storage space ... so he created a 2nd one. Lloyd's Register of Ships - archives
Naval History Net - Preserving Naval History Research and Memoirs, making Contemporary Accounts more readily available Newfoundland Casualties RCN Second World War
Oostende Naval Memorial to the Canadian 29th Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla
RCN - A Century of Navy Images RCN Fairmiles by Marc-André Morin RCN Memorial Windows in the old St. Paul's Naval Church, Esquimalt Royal Canadian Navy (The) and Operation Torch Royal Canadian Navy Benevolent Fund Royal Canadian Navy Ship's Histories - Gov't of Canada Royal Canadian Navy photographs by the men who were there Royal Navy and Royal Canadian Navy Corvettes Royal Roads University Archives
Ship's files - Resource guide of ship's files held by the Library and Archives of Canada Ship's Police in the early RCN Smoking in the Wardroom (parody song on VIMEO) Sydney, Nova Scotia, and the U-boat War, 1918
Tides of War (The) by Anthony Hickey
What the Mainguy Report Never Told Us
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