A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
BURNS, H.W. Marshall - In hospital, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1973, Marshall Burns, 34 Fairhill Cres., aged 50 years, beloved husband of Francoise Laplante; father of Joey, Tommy and Kimberly, all at home; brother of Gordon, Tommy, Ottawa; Edward, Toronto; Donalda (Mrs. Sydney Tucker), Evelyn (Mrs. Russell Snow), Audrey (Mrs.. Frank Billings), Eileen (Mrs. Roger Lepage) and Ruth (mrs. Keith MacLennan), all of Ottawa. Resting Fred N. Garrett Funeral Home, 584 Somerset West. Service Friday, 2 p.m. in St. Luke's Anglican Church. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. (Ottawa Journal 11 Jan 1973)
Ships served in:
(MB01) Portrait of Marshal Burns (MB02) Portrait of LS Marshall Burns (MB03) RCNVR Division Quebec. Marshall Burns front left
(MB04) Marshall Burns and shipmates on HMCS MINAS. Marshall leaning on Kisby ring (MB05) Marshall Burns with ammunition belt on HMCS MINAS (MB06) Marshall Burns sitting on minesweeping paravane on HMCS MINAS (MB07) Marshall Burns on HMCS MINAS (MB08) Marshall Burns on the quarterdeck of HMCS MINAS
(MB09-MB12) Lou Machuk at various positions on the quarter deck of HMCS MINAS (MB13) Marshall Burns in quarterdeck hatch to minesweeping stores on HMCS MINAS
(MB14-MB15) Marshall Burns standing on the jetty in St. John's, Nfld, 1942, on duty as Jetty Sentry - note the lanyard attached to the pistol on his belt (MB16-MB17) Unknown sailor on the jetty - HMCS MINAS in the background (MB18) Lou Machuk on duty as Quartermaster on the jetty beside the brow of HMCS MINAS, Aug 1942
(MB19) Marshall Burns on the jetty with his foot on the brow of HMCS MINAS (MB20) Marshall Burns on the quarterdeck of HMCS MINAS (MB21) Unknown sailor on duty as Quartermaster on HMCS MINAS (MB22) HMS GREENWICH whaler crew, St. John's Harbour, Oct 1942 (MB23 Fishing schooner seen from HMCS MINAS - St. John's, Nfld, Oct 1942
(MB24) Marshall Burns on gun deck of HMCS MINAS (MB25) Sailors doing gunnery drills on HMCS MINAS (MB26) Unknown sailors on the quarterdeck of HMCS MINAS at St. John's NFLD (MB27) Marshall Burns on the quarterdeck of HMCS MINAS at St. John's, NFLD. Note the ice-covered corvette in the background (MB28) Ice-covered corvette alongside St. John's, NFLD
(MB29-MB31) Gun and gun deck of HMCS MINAS iced-up at sea. Sailor using steam hose to clear ice off the gun ... and gun deck cleared of ice
HMCS MINAS being repaired after her collision with HMS LISCOMB off Halifax on 01 Feb 1943
(MB32) Hoult, Submarine Detector (SD) sitting on the screw of HMCS MINAS in dry dock, Aug 1942 (MB33) HMCS MINAS on the slips in Halifax, Aug 1942 (MB34) Damage to HMCS MINAS - view from inside the seaman's mess deck (MB35) Two sailors looking out their new window. Damage to HMCS MINAS - looking into the seaman's mess deck. All that remains of her pendant number is the "5" - the J16 are missing due to the damage (MB36) Sailor looking out off the hole in the hull of the seaman's mess deck - note that the LISCOMB hit MINAS at Frame 19.
HMCS MINAS being repaired after her collision with HMS LISCOMB off Halifax on 01 Feb 1943
(MB37) Marshall Burns sitting on the edge of the gun deck above the new entrance to the seaman's mess in HMCS MINAS (MB38) Unknown sailor sitting above the new entrance to the seaman's mess on HMCS MINAS (MB39) McNiven on the port anchor of HMCS MINAS while she is in the slips - Aug 1942 (MB40) Dunlop and Ansley on the anchors of HMCS MINAS while she is in the slips - Aug 1942
Webmaster's note: the sailor on the port anchor in both MB39 and MB40 appear to be the same person but the photo captions indicate otherwise.
(MB41) HMCS MINAS at sea - view from the ship's boat (MB42) Unknown sailor working by the depth charge thrower on HMCS MINAS (MB43) Ammunition on the deck of HMCS MINAS by the forward gun (MB44) J. McKnight with the "guts of Y gun" - on HMCS MINAS - Seup 1942 (MB45) Unknown sailor on duty as Quartermaster, sitting on depth charges on HMCS MINAS. Note that a number of the depth charges have had their fuse removed
(MB46) Lou Machuk posing with the .50 Cal machine gun on HMCS MINAS - Aug 1942 (MB47) Marshall Burns posing with the .50 Cal machine gun on HMCS MINAS - Aug 1942 (48) unknown sailor posing with the .50 Cal machine gun on HMCS MINAS - Aug 1942 (MB49) J. McKnight posing with the .50 Cal machine gun on HMCS MINAS (MB50) Twin .50 Cal machine gun mounts on HMCS MINAS
(MB51) Varrn sitting with the ship's mascot on HMCS MINAS - Sep 1942 (MB52) Unknown sailor by one of the two QF 20 mm Oerlikon guns on HMCS MINAS. These guns were later replaced by the twin .05 cal machine gun mounts (MB53) HMCS MINAS J165 (MB54) Marshall Burns on HMCS MINAS at Lunenburg, NS - Jul 1942
(MB55) L-R: Arthur Stenning, Marshall Burns and Ken Gough on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB56) Marshall Burns with ship's mascot on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB57) Marshall Burns (left) and Arthur Stenning on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB58) L-R: Arthur Stenning, Ken Gough and Marshall Burns on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB59) Unknown sailor by the ready-use magazine on HMCS ARNPRIOR
(MB60-MB61) Unknown sailors on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB62) David M. Shedden on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB63) Unknown sailor on HMCS ARNPRIOR
(MB64) Marshall Burns on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB65) Unknown sailors on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB66) Marshall Burns (right) with unknown sailor on HMCS ARNPRIOR (MB67) Ken Gough passing a shell to Arthur Stenning at forward gun on HMCS ARNPRIOR. (note: based on their dress and the casual look of things they likely are doing gun drills alongside)
(MB68) Caption on news publication: When Wrens came aboard HMCS ARNPRIOR in Newfoundland for a ship's party, Leading Seaman Marshall Burns of Ottawa thought they'd like to see the wheelhouse of their fine castle class corvette. Interested onlookers are Wren Margaret Wood of MONTREAL, Wren Joan Shannon of MARMORA, Ontario; and Wren Gwen Bill of RED DEER, Alberta. Royal Canadian Photography - Navy Information Section - Negative No 2859
(MB126) HMCS ARNPRIOR K494 Ship's company photo Londonderry, Nov 1944
Click here to view signatures on the back of the photo
This photo is also posted on the ship's company photo page for HMCS ARNPRIOR with crew numbered for identification
Photos taken on or from one of the two ships Marshall Burns served in.
(MB69) Unknown merchant ships in the distance (MB70-MB71) transiting an ice-field - unknown ship in the distance (MB72) Unknown merchant ship (MB73) Two unknown Corvettes alongside St. John's, NFLD after a winter run
Friends on other ships
(MB76) Norm Kranch, Larry O'Reilly, Snobby Hall, Johnny Henbrey, Chris Fleming, Frenchy Boune on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 - APR 1942 (MB77) Larry O'Reilly on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (MB78) Adams, Whitfield, Kozogovitz on HMCS MEDICINE HAT J256 (MB79) Chris Fleming and Sleepy Duffy on HMCS SWIFT CURRENT J254 - Apr 1942
Photos taken at various places ashore
(MB80-MB81) Unknown sailor on guard duty - posing for a few photos (MB82) Unknown person - possibly taken at St. John's, NFLD (MB83) Unknown sailor taking photos (MB84) Doug Angus, HMCS Minas - Aug 1942 - taking photos from plank extending off the jetty
(MB77) Marshall Burns (MB78) Johnny Henbrey, RCN Barracks - May 1942 (MB79) Chris Fleming and Johnny Henbrey, RCN Barracks - May 1942 (...) Unknown sailor hoisting signal flag (...) Sailors having fun - Marshall Burns 2nd from top
(MB90) Marshall Burns (crouching, front, left) with unknown sailors at the train station in Moncton, NB (MB91) Marshall Burns (standing, 1st on left) with unknown sailors at the train station in Moncton, NB (MB92) Marshall Burns (left) with "Dit" Durdle - RCN Barracks - Jun 1942 (MB93) Johnny "Nails" Henbrey and "Dit" Durdle - RCN Barracks - Jun 1942
(MB94) Marshall Burns (right) Johnny Henbrey, RCN Barracks - Jun 1942 (MB95) Marshall Burns (MB96-MB97) Marshall Burns (left) with unknown friend
Marshall Burns and friends on leave - touring around Ottawa, ON
(MB98) Marshall Burns (left) and unidentified friends at the National War Memorial in Ottawa, ON
Family and Friends
(MB103) Marshall Burns (left) with unknown soldier (MB104-MB105) Marshall's brother Gordon "Gordie" Burns, Canadian Army
(MB106) Marshal Burns with his sister Donalda "Donnie" Burns (MB1087 Marshall Burns with his sister Audrey Burns (BB108) Marshall Burns (left) with his Evelyn Burns (MB109) Marshall Burns with his mother Matilda Burns
Webmaster's note: These photos were taken early in the war as Marshall is wearing an RCNVR OTTAWA cap tally and not an HMCS cap tally
(MB110) Marshall's sister Eileen and her husband Roger Legpage - 1943. Photo taken by Marshall Burns (.MB111) Marshall Burns with Yvette, Lunenburg, NS - Jul 1942 (MB112) Marshall Burns with his sister Ruth (MB113) Marshall's younger brother Thomas (Tommy) Burns (right) with friend - Jun 1942
(MB114) Marshall Burns with Micky Clarke C.W.A.C and Eric Carey with date (MB115) Marshall Burns with sisters Audrey and Evelyn with Ken Ford - Dec 1942 (MB116) Refit leave, Jun 1944 - Marshall Burns (left) and Eric Carey with dates
(MB117) Marshall Burns with Edie Sage at the Avalon Theatre in Ottawa - Feb 1945 (MB118) Marshall Burns (2nd from right) with mother Matilda, brother Gordon "Gordie" and father Joseph
(MB119) Marshall Burns attending the naval wedding of his friend Eric Carey.
Marshall is standing behind and to the left of Eric
A day a the beach - Jul 1948
(MB120) Marshall Burns (right) (MB122) Marshall Burns
(MB124) Marshall Burns with an "old" friend
(MB127) Victory Bonds poster
It's not known who the sailor is that is in the poster but he bears resemblance to Marshall Burns