A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Tel Steward's bio from HMCS Vancouver's Communication branch photo: "G.J. Steward, Telegraphist, RCNVR - "Paddy" as he is known at home, was born in Calgary in April 1918. Joined the Service at Vancouver in 1938. This lad is the "Gene Autry" of the ship and is never far from his guitar."
Ships served in: HMCS GIVENCHY
(1) Tel George J. (Paddy) Steward (2) Bernard Mullen and George Steward (3) Bernie MacIlvany (4) George Steward (left) (5) Forster (Shadow) - 1944 (6) Viv and Zeke - 1941
(7) George Steward (right) and friend (8) Chaplain, Vancouver (9) At Victoria, BC (10) Fairmiles at Sydney, NS - ML Q115, Q112, Q114 and Q113 (11) HMCS VANCOUVER K240 "Up Spirits" newsletter - 16 Sep 1943. This booklet includes brief bios on each crew member.