A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
SMITH, George Robertson - 64, Halifax, died Wednesday in Victoria General Hospital. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Cyril and Roberta (Robertson) Smith. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Navy for 24 years, and a veteran of the Second World War. After retiring from the RCN, he was employed by the provincial government as personnel manager for the Department of Transportation until his retirement. He was active in the restoration of HMCS Sackville Memorial Trust. He is survived by his wife, the former Cleora E. Myers, Halifax; two sons, Craig, Stephen; a daughter Susan; three grandchildren. The body is in Snow's Funeral Home, Windsor Street, Halifax, visiting 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today. Memorial services will be held 2 p.m. Friday, Stadacona Chapel, CFB Stadacona. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Canadian Naval Memorial trust, c/o 800 Young Ave., Halifax, B3H 2V7, or Canadian Heart Foundation. (Halifax Chronicle-Herald 07 Sep 1989)