A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
Service Summary for:
Gordon Priest served in the RCNVR during WW2. His initial training was at HMCS Cataraqui in Kingston, ON. After training at HMCS Cornwallis and HMCS Stadacona, he was drafted to HMCS Clayoquot in Nov 1944. Gordon survived the sinking of HMCS Clayoquot on 24 Dec 1944. Gordon was interview by Nicki Long for the Vista newsletter (for the Seniors Association Kingston Region) and Gordon's story of his time in the RCNVR was published in their Dec 2017 newsletter. Your can read Gordon's story below.
Ships served in: HMCS CATARAQUI
The Day before Christmas, 1944 - Surviving the sinking of HMCS Clayoquot Source: Vista - Seniors Association Kingston Region Newsletter - Dec 2017 Courtesy of Nicki Long