A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project SHIP'S COMPANY PHOTOS MTB 460 If you can identify anyone in these photos, please send me an EMAIL
MTB 460
On the Bridge: Lt. D. Killam D.S.C. Commanding Officer (Vancouver); Lt. M.A. Hunt, First Lieutenant (Toronto); L/Sea. J Lee Coxswain (Kingston) Second row: O/S M. Costello (Charlottetown); O/S I.G. Letters (Toronto); Tel. P. Thompson (Kindersley SK); Sto L. Young (Vancouver B.C.); O/S P Dunford (Orilla) Front row (left to right): P.O. Motor Mechanic, D. George (Wolfville N. S.); A/B M. Lay (Cedarville B.C.); O/S J.E. Allingham (McAdam N. B.) A/B A. Walker (Lasalle On); Sto E. Button (Winnipeg)
Source: Library and Archives of Canada PA 176738 Source for names: Naval Museum of Manitoba
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