If you can identify anyone in these photos, please send me an EMAIL
HMCS FERGUS K686 Ireland, May 1945 Click on the above photo to view a larger image
From the collection Lloyd Thomas Courtesy of Jake Thomas
(1) Pollington, Leading Stoker of Hamilton, Ont (2) McKaw, Leading Stoker of St. Thomas, Ont (3) Henshaw, Leading Telegraphist of Kingsville, Ont (4) Anderson, Lieutenant-Commander of Big River, Sask (5) Cavanaugh, Stoker Petty Officer of London, Ont (6) Roberts, Engine Room Artificer of Cardston, Alta (7) McMurtry, Engine Room Artificer of Saskatoon, Sask (8) Thompson, Engine Room Artificer of Vancouver, BC (9) Beaumont, Engine Room Artificer of Toronto, Ont (10) Boake, Petty Officer of Sardis, BC (11) Moreland, Lieutenant of London, Ont (12) McLaughlin, Lieutenant of Victoria, British Columbia (13) Farncombe, Lieutenant-Commander of Toronto, Ont (14) Vaudrey, Warrant Engineer of Vancouver, BC (15) Wainwright, Lieutenant of Montreal, Que (16) Atherton, Lieutenant of Capreol, Ont (17) Phyllis, Electrical Artificer of Toronto, Ont (18) Lillburn, Chief Engine Room Artificer of Verdun, Que (19) Caydzien, Petty Officer of Vancouver, BC (20) Smith, Edward James, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class of Windsor, Ont (21) Singlehurst, Stoker Petty Officer of Vancouver, BC (22) Lang, Stoker of Montreal, Que (23) Kearney, Leading Signalman of Montreal, Que (24) Whitefield, Samuel Leading Seaman, Higher Submarine Detector of Courtice, Ont
(25) Dixon, Leading Seaman of Halifax, NS (26) Chadburn, Stoker of Norwood, Man (27) Langdon, Able Seaman of London, Ont (28) Thomas, Lloyd Vernon, Able Seaman of Leamington, Ont (29) Scott, Stoker of Toronto, Ont (30) Dennahower, Ordinary Seaman of Fort Erie, Ont (31) Ewing, Ordinary Seaman of Calgary, Alta (32) Maeur? / Mawer, William D., Able Seaman of Medicine Hat, Alta (33) Nelson, Able Seaman of Albert Co., NB (34) Fradgley, Able Seaman of London, Ont (35) Armstrong, Ordinary Seaman of Windsor, Ont (36) Crawford, Able Seaman of Maple, Ont (37) Bergren, Able Seaman of Gronlid, Sask (38) Ramage, Able Seaman of St. Anne de Belleview, Que (39) McCulloch, Able Seaman of Toronto, Ont (40) Gaddy, Ordinary Seaman of Jasper Park, Alta (41) Scott, Signalman of Toronto, Ontario (42) Wearmouth, Able Seaman of Crossfield, Alta (43) Smith, Able Seaman of Toronto, Ont (44) Clement, Ordinary Seaman of Sullivan Station, BC (45) Barrans, Able Seaman of Winnipeg, MB (46) Torguson, OS of Dundurn, Sask (47) Morash, Able Seaman of Windsor, NS (48) Marshall, Able Seaman of Calgary, Alta (49) Pitcathly, Able Seaman of Calgary, Alta (50) Truesdale, Able Seaman of Belleville, Ont (51) Friesen, Ordinary Seaman of Mission BC
(52) McLeish, Telegraphist of Toronto, Ont (53) Kushner, Francis Joseph (Frank), Able Seaman of Toronto, Ont (54) Neal, Ordinary Seaman of St. Thomas, Ont (55) Lambert, Ordinary Seaman of Fort Frances, Ont (56) McArthur, Ordinary Seaman of Winnipeg, Man (57) Wells, Signalman of Freeman, Ont (58) Quinn, Ordinary Seaman of Ottawa, Ont (59) Robinson, R. Barry, Able Seaman of Palmerstone, Ont (60) Andries, Coder of Montreal, Que (61) Dewar, P/S (Probationary Stewart??) of Ottawa, Ont. (62) Andrew, Stoker of Vancouver, British Columbia (63) Galey, Able Seaman of Saint John, NB (64) Maruca, Leading Telegraphist of Winnipeg, MB (65) Dickson? / Dickieson, James Neil, Stoker of Guelph, Ont (66) Meanley, Stoker of Chippawa, Ont (67) Taggart, Leading Stoker of Olds, Alta (68) Hiscock, Able Seaman of Montreal, Que (69) Somerfield, Able Seaman of West Selkirk, Man (70) Adams, Able Seaman of Vancouver, BC (71) Nevin, Able Seaman of Windsor, Ont (72) Forbes, Signalman of Parry Sound, Ont (73) Phyper, Ordinary Seaman of Montreal, Que (74) Sharback, Telegraphist of Waterloo, Ont (75) Rea, Herb, Petty Officer of Vancouver, BC (76) Linton, Able Seaman of Toronto, Ont
(77) Hunter, Cook (78) Graham, Steward of Odessa, Ont (79) Currie, Able Seaman of Tatamagouche, NS (80) Wufnagel, Stoker of Salvador, Sask (81) McLaughlin, Stoker of New Westminster, BC (82) Evans, Telegraphist of Trochu, Alta (83) Willson? / Wilson, Arthur Roy, Leading Sick Bert Attendant of Vancouver, BC (84) Campbell, John Norman, Steward of Truro, NS (85) McIntosh, Supply Assistant of Truro, NS
Missing from photo: (M01) Eccles, Sub-Lieutenant of Guelph, Ont (M02) James, Sub-Lieutenant of the USA (M03) Smith, Able Seaman of Saskatoon, Sask (M04) Wickenden, Cook of Winnipeg, Man (M05) Murphy, Leading Cook of Smooth Rock Falls, Ont (M06) Bartlett, Signalman of Victoria, BC (M07) Thring, Telegraphist of Vancouver, BC (M08) Herring (M09) Pelletier, Engine Room Artificer of Moncton, NB (M10) Boivin, Writer (M11) Madden, Stoker Petty Officer of Montreal, Que (M12) Tuson, Able Seaman of Edmonton, Alta (M13) Caldwell, Stoker Petty Officer of Owen Sound, Ont (M14) Goodier, Petty Officer of Amherstburg, Ont (M15) Simpson, Lieutenant of Fergus, Ont (M16) McLeary, Coder of Toronto, Ont (M17) Hamilton, Leading Telegraphist of Fort William, Ont (M18) Robertson, Ordinary Seaman of Halifax, NS (M19) Boiseau, Able Seaman of Montreal, Que (M20) Hughes, Chief Petty Office of Charlottetown, Que (M21) Clarke, Stoker of Belleville, Ont (M22) Mintz, Supply Assistant of Toronto, Ont
Crew names courtesy of William Lilbourne
HMCS FERGUS K686 Click on the above photo to view a large image
(3) Dickieson, James Neil
From the collection of Neil Dickieson Courtesy of Donna Stewart, Debbie Sutton and Jayne Dickieson
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